Hermitage Capital’s investigation into possible corruption at Gazrom, Eural Trans Gas and Rosukrenergo, 2005

Hermitage Capital investigation into corruption in Gazrom, EuralTransGaz and Rosukrenergo, 2005

Hermitage Capital Management told “The Moscow Times” on 16 June 2005 (as recalled here by Radio Free Europe) that Gazprom is losing out on $478 million in annual revenues from the RosUkrEnergo deal and that this money is going to unknown beneficiaries participating in RosUkrEnergo via Raiffeisen Investment.  At that time Hermitage Capital was minory shareholder of Gazprom.

As this Hermitage’s presentation shows, the figure comes from the official accounting of Gazprom itself, comparing what Gazprom could have had earned without giving monopoly of export to Ukraine to Eural Trans Gas and Rosukrenergo.

See also: official owners of RosUkrEnegro from Swiss business registry.

Austrian Parliamentary inquiry into Russian organized crime and Rosukrenegro, open part, sealed part (in German), 2007.

Austrian police’s report on Semyon Mogilevich mentioning his ties to Eural Trans Gas, Rosukrenergo and Dmitry Firtash (in German), 2005.


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